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Uniform Maine Citations is organized so that similar types of references to Maine authorities appear together. The organization is grouped by primary or secondary research materials, including subdivisions for (1) statutory and legislative materials, including constitutions, statutes, legislative documents, and municipal ordinances; (2) court decisions, rules, and documents; (3) executive agency regulations, reports, and other documents; and (4) secondary materials that analyze and interpret the primary materials, including Maine-specific treatises, practice books, and legal periodicals. Beyond guidance for proper citation, the primary and secondary sources identified in this edition constitute a useful catalog of materials available to support research into Maine legal authority and sources that discuss them. Further, Uniform Maine Citations identifies the major law libraries and the state and federal court and state government websites that provide free access to primary sources for Maine-specific legal research materials. Maine Uniform Citations undertakes to provide annually updated guidance for the proper form for citation to and location of Maine-specific primary and secondary legal source material. As with the editions that most recently preceded it, this edition is published on the University of Maine School of Law website alongside the Maine Law Review page and is updated at least annually on the academic calendar to recognize new developments and new sources of Maine-related legal research.
Publication Date
Fall 8-29-2024
University of Maine School of Law
uniform citation, blue book