Submissions from 2011
Encouraging Private Investment In Energy Efficiency
Sarah B. Schindler
Diagnosing Liability : The Legal History of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Deirdre M. Smith
Submissions from 2010
Understanding Caperton: Judicial Disqualification Under the Due Process Clause
Dmitry Bam
The Costs of BAPCPA: Report of the Pilot Study of Consumer Bankruptcy Cases
Lois R. Lupica
Equity and Efficiency in Intellectual Property Taxation
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
Introduction: Twenty-Five Years of the Gulf of Maine Judgment
Charles H. Norchi
When International Law Was Made in Maine: the Gulf of Maine Judgment at 25 Years
Charles H. Norchi
Following Industry's LEED : Municipal Adoption of Private Green Building Standards
Sarah B. Schindler
Automobile Injuries As Injuries With Remedies: Driving, Insurance, Torts, and Changing the "Choice Architecture" of Auto Insurance Pricing
Jennifer Wriggins
Toward a Feminist Revision of Torts
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2009
Dying to Know: A Demand for Genuine Public Access to Clinical Trial Results Data
Christine Galbraith Davik
Credit Rating Agencies, Structured Securities, and the Way Out of the Abyss
Lois R. Lupica
The Consumer Debt Crisis and the Reinforcement of Class Position
Lois R. Lupica
The Public Order of Ports
Charles H. Norchi
The Disordered and Discredited Plaintiff: Psychiatric Evidence in Civil Litigation
Deirdre M. Smith
Submissions from 2008
A Study of Consumers' Post Discharge Finances: Struggle, Stasis, or Fresh Start?
Lois R. Lupica and Jay L. Zagorsky Ph.D.
Acquiring Innovation
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
Freedom and Servitude in the Public Order of the Oceans: A Review of Navigational Servitudes: Sources, Applications, Paradigms by Ralph J. Gillis
Charles H. Norchi
The Legal Architecture of Nation-Building: An Introduction
Charles H. Norchi
An Uncertain Privilege: Implied Waiver and the Eviseration of the Psychotherapist Patient Privilege in the Feral Courts
Deirdre M. Smith
Submissions from 2007
A Panoptic Approach to Information Policy: Utilizing a more Balanced Theory of Property in Order to Ensure the Existence of a Prodigious Public Domain
Christine Galbraith Davik
Researching Initiatives and Referenda: A Guide for Maine
Christine I. Dulac
Who Says You're Disabled? The Role of Medical Evidence in the ADA Definition of Disability
Deirdre M. Smith
Damages in Tort Litigation: Thoughts on Race and Remedies, 1865-2007
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2006
Remembering the Public Domain
Christine Galbraith Davik
Legislative Messaging and Bankruptcy Law
Lois R. Lupica, Karen Gross, and Kathryn R. Heidt
Giving Intellectual Property
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
Patent Donations and Tax Policy
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
Taxing Trademarks and Domain Names
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
The Market for Change: Community Economic Development on a Wider Stage
Peter R. Pitegoff
The Paradox of Personality: Mental Illness, Employment Discrimination, and The Americans With Disabilities Act
Deirdre M. Smith
Submissions from 2005
Professional Responsibility Redesigned: Sparking a Dialogue Between Students and the Bar
Lois R. Lupica
The Impact of Revised Article 9
Lois R. Lupica
Tort, Race, and the Value of Injury, 1900-1949
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2004
Access Denied: Improper use of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to Control Information on Publicly Accessible Internet Websites
Christine Galbraith Davik
Taxing the New Intellectual Property Right
Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
Worker Ownership in Enron's Wake - Revisiting a Community Development Tactic
Peter R. Pitegoff
Domestic Violence
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2002
Revised Article 9, the Proposed Bankruptcy Code Amendments and Securitizing Debtors and Their Creditors
Lois R. Lupica
The Effect of Bankruptcy upon a Firm using Patents and Trademarks as Collateral
Lois R. Lupica
Interspousal Tort Immunity and Insurance "Family Member Exclusions": Shared Assumptions, Relational and Liberal Feminist Challenges
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2001
Revised Article 9, Securitization Transactions and the Bankruptcy Dynamic
Lois R. Lupica
Domestic Violence Torts
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 2000
Electronic Billboards Along The Information SuperHighway: Liability Under The Lanham Act for Using Trademarks to Key Internet Banner Ads
Christine Galbraith Davik
Circumvention of the Bankruptcy Process: The Statutory Institutionalization of Securitization
Lois R. Lupica
Transition Losses in the Electric Power Market: A Challenge to the Premises Underlying the Arguments for Compensation
Lois R. Lupica
Fashionable Genetic Explanations in the Courtroom: Litigating Personal Injuries Based on Genetic Risk
Jennifer Wriggins
Marriage Law and Family Law: Autonomy, Interdependence, and Couples of the Same Gender
Jennifer Wriggins
Parental Rights Termination Jurisprudence: Questioning the Framework
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 1999
Shaping Regional Economies to Sustain Quality Work: The Cooperative Health Care Network
Peter R. Pitegoff
Submissions from 1998
Asset Securitization: The Unsecured Creditor's Perspective
Lois R. Lupica
The Role of State Government in Nuclear Power Regulation: Jurisdictional Conflicts in the US
Donald N. Zillman
Submissions from 1997
Child Care Policy and the Welfare Reform Act
Peter R. Pitegoff
Genetics, IQ, Determinism, and Torts: The Example of Discovery in Lead Exposure Litigation
Jennifer Wriggins
Submissions from 1995
Chapter 5: Unions, Finance, and Labor's Capital
Peter R. Pitegoff
Submissions from 1994
Urban Revitalization and Community Finance: An Introduction
Peter R. Pitegoff
Kinship and Marriage in Massachusetts Public Employee Retirement Law: An Analysis of the Beneficiary Provisions, and Proposals for Change
Jennifer Wriggins
Energy Trade and the National Security Exception to the GATT
Donald N. Zillman
Submissions from 1993
Child Care Enterprise, Community Development, and Work
Peter R. Pitegoff
What Military Criminal Law Can Teach Us: A United States Perspective
Donald N. Zillman
Submissions from 1983
Rape, Racism, and the Law
Jennifer Wriggins