Editorial Board Vol. 50. No. 1 (1998)
Christina J. D'Appolonia Editor-In-Chief
What Happened to the American Social Compact?
Robert B. Reich
To Be the Change: Finding Higher Ground in the Law
Paula A. Franzese
Taking Note of Notary Employees: Employer Liability for Notary Employee Misconduct
Nancy Perkins Spyke
A Call for Consistency: State v. Caouette Is No Longer Viable in Light of Colorado v. Connelly and State v. Eastman
Donald W. Macomber
Book Review
A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Courts and the Law
Charles R. Priest
Amending Maine's Plain Language Law to Ensure Complete Disclosure To Consumers Signing Arbitration Contracts
Andrew R. Sarapas
Is the Die Cast? Indian Casino Gambling in Maine
Sharon M. Wheeler