Editorial Board Vol. 53. No. 1 (2001)
Timothy P. McCormack Editor-in-Chief
Remembrance of Professor David Gregory
Timothy P. McCormack Editor-in-Chief
David D. Gregory
Timothy P. McCormack Editor-in-Chief
A Service in Celebration of the Life of Professor David Gregory
Colleen A. Khoury
Early Work at the State Level
Edward S. Godfrey
Remembrance of Professor David Gregory
Melvyn H. Zarr
Remembrance of Professor David Gregory
Gerald F. Petruccelli
David Gregory: "Fellow Seeker"
Frank M. Coffin
David Gregory: Special Master for Pineland Decree
Kevin W. Concannon
Remembrance of Professor David Gregory
Arthur R. Dingley
A Tribute to Professor David Gregory
Donald N. Zillman
Tribute to David Gregory, Esq.
Michael P. Cantara
Introduction of the Valedictory
Colleen A. Khoury
David D. Gregory
Life in No Trump: Property and Speech Under the Constitution
Richard A. Esptein
Personal Jurisdiction and the Web
Joseph S. Burns and Richard A. Bales
Sovereign Immunity and the Crisis of Constitutional Absolutism: Interpreting the Eleventh Amendment After Alden v. Maine
Matthew Mustokoff
State Immunity Doctrine: Demoting the Patent System
Charles C. Wong
Expert Testimony and Professional Licensing Boards: What is Good, What is Necessary, and the Myth of the Majority-Minority Split
Timothy P. McCormack
The Maine Civil Rights Act: History, Enforcement, Application, and Analysis
J. Christopher Parr