Editorial Board Vol 56 No. 2 (2004)
Philip R. Saucier Editor-in-Chief
Strengthening Democracy: The Challenge of Public Interest Law
Scott Harshbarger
Consumer Class Actions: Who are the Real Winners?
Edward F. Sherman
IRLAFARC! Surveying the Language of Legal Writing
Terrill Pollman and Judith M. Stinson
The False Idolarty of Rules-Based Law
John C. Sheldon
Some Model Amendments to Maine (and other States') Land Use Control Legislation
Orlando E. Delogu, Sam Merrill, and Philip R. Saucier
Cybergenics II: Precedent and Policy vs. Plain Meaning
Nancy A. Haller
Who's Afraid of Judicial Activism? Reconceptualizing a Traditional Paradigm in the Context of Specialized Domestic Violence Court Programs
Jennifer L. Thompson