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Shooting ranges in Maine may face a number of issues that could lead to a lawsuit: bullets entering abutting property; excessive noise generation; somebody getting hurt on the premises; etc. The Maine Supreme Judicial Court has not decided any cases dealing with a shooting range or these issues as they relate to shooting ranges. Therefore, I looked at how other states have applied the potential torts facing ranges. These torts include: nuisance (public and private); negligence; premises liability; trespass; battery, and; strict liability. The vast majority of relief granted against a range was a result of negligence, and the most common relief granted was injunctive relief. Maine, like many other states, has a statute protecting existing ranges from new noise ordinances that would restrict their freedom to operate. This type of legislation is incredibly common among other states. Additionally, at least one federal circuit has found that the Second Amendment protects the existence of shooting ranges. A shooting range should keep all of these issues in mind when operating to avoid a costly law suit, or when responding to one.